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10 hotels and 5 available hotels

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Camp Velenje Glamping šotori 
Cesta Simona Blatnika 27, Velenje

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Camp Velenje Mobilne hiške 
Cesta Simona Blatnika 27, Velenje
Camp Velenje will captivate you with its natural charm, superb offer and comfortable accommodation. This is just the beginning, because here you will discover many other benefits that will fill your soul with joy and satisfaction. Our mission is to create unforgettable moments that will make you want...
Camp Velenje Parcele 
Cesta Simona Blatnika 27, Velenje

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Hotel Razgoršek 
Stari trg 33, Velenje
Unter dem machtigen mittelalterlichen Velenje Schloss erstreckt sich der alte Marktkern des Alten Velenje. Und nur eunen Schritt vom Marktkern entfernt, abgeschieden vom Stadtrummel, neben dem Wald, erwartet Sie das Hotel Razgoršek.
Hotels 10 - 15 of 95
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